วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Fed Funds Price in 100% Chance of Rate Cut as Markets Rally

Fed funds futures have priced in a 100% chance of a rate cut for the next FOMC meeting scheduled for October 29, as markets rallied today on a CNBC report that the U.S. government has come up with a plan to deal with the financial crisis in the U.S.

Markets are now pricing in an 82% chance of a 25 bps cut and an 18% chance of a 50 bps rate cut for the next meeting.

The report on CNBC said Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson is considering the creation of an entity similar to the Resolution Trust Corp. that was set up during the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Larry Levin, president of Secrets of Traders.com said markets were extremely disappointed that the Fed held rates at 2.00% at the last FOMC meeting. He added, as markets trend lower, the only option will be for the Fed to cut rates.

"The Fed is now desperate/broke; the Treasury Department had to sell Treasuries (print dollars) to fund the Fed's balance sheet today," said Levin. "So confidence could be restored (slightly) by a surprise cut, which seems to be all that's left in the Fed's arsenal."

For the year-end meeting set for December 16, the implied probability for a 25 bps rate cut has increased to 69.6% from 46.1% a day ago. Markets are also pricing in a 15.9% chance of a 50 bps cut and a 14.5% chance of a hold.

Economists at Helaba do not expect the Fed to cut rates any time soon.

"We are skeptical and have the impression that the central bank would rather combat the turmoil in the financial markets with injections of liquidity than with more interest-rate cuts," they wrote in a research note. "But one thing is clear: the escalation of the crisis in the financial markets is having negative repercussions on the real economy."

Looking to the FOMC meeting scheduled for January 28, markets are factoring in a 63.5% chance that rates will be cut by 25 bps and a 20.8% chance of a rate hold.

All data taken at 4:35 p.m. EDT

By Steve Stecyk@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , edited by Sarah Sussman, ssussman@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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Thursday's News Recap: Central Banks Inject Liquidity, Morgan Stanley Merger Talk

Markets were again more focused on developments in the ongoing financial crisis than they were on Thursday's data releases. In the early morning, six major central banks announced a co-ordinated effort to provide U.S. dollars to private lenders, while reports circulated that Morgan Stanley is in merger talks with Wachovia. Late in the day, independent news reports said U.S. officials were considering creating a Resolution Trust Corporation-style institution, which would lessen the cost of the crisis to taxpayers.

The European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of Canada and the Swiss National Bank announced co-ordinated actions to be taken to ease elevated tension in the short-term U.S. money markets. The currency arrangement will inject $180 billion of overnight liquidity into money markets. The deal between the Fed and the Bank of Canada totals $10 billion and will be used if needed.

"These measures, together with other actions taken in the last few days by individual central banks, are designed to improve the liquidity conditions in global financial markets," an ECB press release said. "The central banks continue to work together closely and will take appropriate steps to address the ongoing pressures."

Equity markets responded positively, surging at the open with the Dow Jones industrial average up more than 180 points, but fell back into negative territory by midday. The TSX surged more than 500 points at the open, but gave up about half of those gains by midday.

T.J. Marta, fixed income strategist at RBC Capital Markets, described the Fed's actions as, "Bringing garden hoses to a forest fire, Fed's behind the curve - again." He noted that the BOE's $40bn auction garnered only $14bn in bids, suggesting that parties do not have the required collateral to post. "This highlights a key issue," he said. "The credit crisis has spread from a liquidity problem to an insolvency problem. Far greater efforts will be required - calls are rising for concerted rate cuts, and expanding acceptable collateral would also help."

Meanwhile, reports surfaced that Morgan Stanley is in merger talks with Wachovia, and also other institutions. Shares in Morgan Stanley closed the day up 3.68% on Thursday, following a 23.8% decline on Wednesday.

Late in the day, independent news reports said U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson was considering a proposal to Congress that would create an RTC-style entity to deal with bad debt. Even without a confirmation from the Treasury, stocks soared on the news. CNBC later reported that Paulson would be meeting with Fed chairman Ben Bernanke later in the evening.

In an Op-Ed in the Wall Street Journal Thursday morning, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, former Comptroller of the Currency Eugene Ludwig and former Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady supported the creation of such a body, which would buy up real estate debt in an effort to get credit markets flowing again.

In U.S. data releases, manufacturing in the region covering eastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware surprisingly rebounded into growth mode in September, according to the Philadelphia Fed's Manufacturing survey. The rebound follows nine months of slowdown. The general activity index improved to +3.8 from August's -12.7, led by a rebound in new orders.

The Philly Fed's senior economic analyst Mike Trebing told reporters most of the survey results reflect sentiment in the first week of September, with some results trickling in as late as September 12. Some survey participants expressed concern regarding Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but the results do not capture developments in the last week, he said.

Economists from RDQ described the report as a "surprising improvement" in manufacturing sentiment in the Philadelphia area. "On an ISM basis, however, the Philly Fed index was still pointing to contraction in September at a reading of 47.9 (versus 46.7 in August), though this is largely due to plunging inventories," they wrote.

Also, initial claims for unemployment benefits in the U.S. were higher than expectations for the week ending Sept. 13, while the previous week's figure was unrevised, the Department of Labor said. Initial claims rose to 455k, just 2k below the cyclical high, while continuing claims fell 55k to 3.478 million for the week ending Sept. 6.

Ian Pollick, economics strategist at TD Securities, said "Surprisingly, the continuing claims were much lower than the market was expecting," adding that the decline "suggests that there could potentially be a decrease in the amount of time it is taking job seekers to find employment."

According to the Conference Board, the index of U.S. leading indicators deteriorated more than expected by 0.5% in August, following the previous month's 0.7% loss. Economists had expected a decline of 0.2%. Over the past six months, the leading index has fallen 2.1%, with four of the 10 components advancing. The leading index saw positive contributions from the consumer goods orders, stock prices, interest rate spread and consumer expectations.

Statistics Canada reported that the leading composite index increased 0.2% in August after remaining steady in July. Household demand has been the most consistent source of growth, the statistical agency said, while sales of durable goods slipped in the month due to slower auto sales.

A new economic forecast from the Conference Board of Canada says an "overdue" housing market correction will deliver a second straight year of declining profits for Canada's residential construction agency as demand slackens under the weight of a weaker economy and poor affordability. The think tank forecasts profits to fall by 3% in 2008 to $3.6 billion following a 16% decline last year. The CBOC also predicts profits to fall again in 2009, before beginning to improve in 2010 and beyond as the market stabilizes and demand recovers.

In overnight news, UK retail sales surprised to the upside in August, rising 3.3% on an annualized basis, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported. Economists had expected a growth rate of 1.6%, down from July's 2.0% rate, and revised down from 2.1%. In monthly terms, the retail sales growth rate jumped to 1.2%.

Following the decision of a global co-ordinated effort by central banks to provide USD liquidity, Bank of Japan Deputy Governor Kiyohiko Nishimura announced that the central bank had held an emergency meeting and decided to keep its overnight lending rate unchanged at 0.5%. Speaking in Tokyo on Thursday on behalf of central bank governor Masaaki Shirakawa, Nishimura stressed the need to be wary of both upside price risks and downside growth risks.

By Stephen Huebl, shuebl@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it and Patrick McGee, pmcgee@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , with contributions from Steve Stecyk, sstecyk@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , Sean McKibbon, smckibbon@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , Todd Wailoo, twailoo@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it and Erik Kevin Franco, efranco@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , edited by Sarah Sussman, ssussman@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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Sponsor Forex Brokers Paulson, Pelosi Say Legislation Will Solve "Systemic Risk" in Markets

After a meeting with congressional leaders Thursday night, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said that systemic risks in markets need to be dealt with, and a solution to meet U.S. needs is necessary.

He said the heart of the problem is in illiquid assets and that he wants them off balance sheets.

He said the approach he wants will require legislation and he will work closely with congress on a proposal.

Following Paulson, U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said time is of the essence for legislation and that they hope to move very quickly.

By Megan Ainscow, mainscow@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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Closing Market Recap: U.S. Stocks Rally Most Since 2002 on U.S. Gov't Plan Hopes

The S&P 500 rallied the most since 2002 on hopes the U.S. government will create a company to buy unwanted assets from the private sector in a move to free up balance sheets.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has raised the issue of a new government-owned corporation with regulators, CNBC reported.

Reuters later reported something similar, but no details were released and spokespersons for the Treasury and Federal Reserve declined to comment.

Speculation suggests the government-owned company would be somewhat similar to the Resolution Trust Corporation, which the government created in the late 1980s to liquidate real-estate related assets.

Marc Zabicki, market strategist at H&R Block, said the sudden change in sentiment is indicative of the "absolutely unprecedented" volatility, fear and greed in markets.

"The reaction for the market to an idea just shows the volatility and the extreme fear we faced earlier today," Zabicki said.

Toronto's S&P/TSX composite index closed up 187 points to 12065, the S&P 500 closed up 50 points to 1207, the Dow Jones industrial average closed up 410 points to 11020 and the Nasdaq closed up 100 points to 2199.

The 4.3% gain in the S&P 500 was the largest since Oct. 15, 2002, but didn't erase the previous day's decline.

Aside from the late-day change in sentiment, it was another gut-wrenching day.

Sentiment had improved overnight after co-ordinated actions from major central banks. In an effort to bolster U.S. dollar liquidity, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank and the Bank of Canada opened up a combined $180 billion of swap lines to ease U.S. dollar funding pressures.

But later, worries about the future of Morgan Stanley and speculation of a run on the trust companies who hold hedge fund assets caused a flight-to-safety. Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are the only remaining independent investment banks.

Equities also briefly spiked after UK officials banned short selling.

The swift changes in sentiment sent the Volatility Index, or VIX, to its highest level since 2002. The S&P 500 traded in a 6.8% intraday range, two-year yields bounced between 1.35% and 1.79% and gold traded in a nearly $100 range.

At 4:45 p.m. EDT, U.S. two-year yields were up 1.5 bps to 1.65%, with five-year yields up 8.6 bps to 2.60%, 10-year yields up 12.3 bps to 3.54% and 30-year yields up 11.2 bps to 4.19%. The Eurodollar March 09 contract was down 7.0 ticks to 97.17. The yield curve was steeper, with the 10/2-year spread up 9.7 bps to 187.50 bps.

Yields on two-year Canadian government bonds were up 4.2 bps to 2.60%, with five-year yields up 5.1 bps to 2.95%, 10-year yields up 8.2 bps to 3.52% and 30-year yields up 8.3 bps to 4.03%. The December 08 BAX contract was down 2.0 ticks to 96.93.

In Germany, returns on two-year German bonds were up 3.9 bps to 3.67%, with five-year yields up 4.5 bps to 3.81%, 10-year yields up 2.0 bps to 4.04% and 30-year yields up 7.4 bps to 4.69%.

Yields on UK two-year bonds were down 8.3 bps to 4.15%, with five-year yields flat at 4.31%, 10-year yields up 0.9 bps to 4.42% and 30-year yields up 2.5 bps to 4.38%.

The Canadian dollar was up 0.0101 to 0.9411 against the U.S. dollar (1.0626 USD/CAD) and up 1.66 to 99.22 against the yen.

The U.S. dollar was up 0.77 to 105.42 against the yen and the Dollar Index was down 0.053 to 78.042.

The euro was up 0.0024 to 1.4350 against the U.S. dollar, down 0.0121 to 1.5250 against the Canadian dollar, up 0.0008 to 0.7890 against the pound sterling and was higher by 1.36 to 151.27 against the yen.

The pound sterling was up 0.0012 to 1.8186 against the U.S. dollar and down 0.0168 to 1.9325 against the Canadian dollar.

WTI crude oil was up $1.16 to $98.32. The front month gold contract at the Chicago Board of Trade was up $8.10 to $858.70 per ounce.

All data taken at 4:45 p.m. EDT.

By Adam Button, abutton@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , edited by Sarah Sussman, ssussman@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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Asia-Pacific Market Recap: Equities Recover on News of U.S. Legislation Plan

Asian markets are reacting to news out of U.S. yet again today, according to Sue Trinh, strategist with RBC Capital Markets in Sydney.

Earlier on Thursday evening EDT, after a meeting with congressional leaders, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said that systemic risks in markets need to be dealt with, and a solution to meet U.S. needs is necessary.

He said the heart of the problem is in illiquid assets and that he wants them off balance sheets.

He said the approach he wants will require legislation and he will work closely with congress on a proposal.

Trinh said, "All the focus is on Paulson and others as they plan to try and come up with a more comprehensive solution to the issue facing the U.S."

"It's been announced that there will an announcement over the weekend," she said.

"Equities are well bid on the expectation that this plan will be able to shore up markets in general. I would expect markets to continue in this vein until Monday."

She said on Monday Asian equity markets will see a volatile day, "It will be the first chance to respond to the weekend announcement."

Turning to the recovery of the Aussie dollar against the USD, she said "Carry trades have been well bid on increased risk appetite."

Asia-Pacific fixed income markets are declining and equities are higher with yields on Australian 10-year bonds up 6.2 bps to 5.59 % and Japanese 10-year government bonds up 4.0 bps to 1.54 %.

Sydney's S&P ASX 200 is up 187.80 points to 4795.098.

The Japanese Nikkei is up 364.09 points to 11853.39 and the Hang Seng is still closed, down 4.73 points to 17632.46. but set to open at 7.07%.

Yields on three-year Australian bonds were down 10.1 bps to 6.58 and the Australian 90-day March 09 contract was down 3.0 ticks to 93.41.

The Euroyen March 09 contract was down 2.5 ticks to 99.18.

The Australian dollar was up 0.21 cents to 0.8068 against the USD and up 0.59 cents to 0.8588 against the Canadian dollar.

Against the yen, the U.S. dollar was up 0.98 points to 106.42 and the Canadian dollar was up 0.66 points to 100.07.

The euro was down 1.00 cents to 1.4250 USD.

All data taken at 9:53 p.m. EDT.

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Final Japanese Leading Index Slightly Lower Than Expected

(CEP News) - Final figures for Japan's leading index came in at 91.4 in July, recovering slightly from a dip that had taken the index down to 91.3 in June, the Economic and Social Research Institute said in a report published on Wednesday.

Economists had been expecting the final figure to match the preliminary 91.6 figure.

The research institute also reported on final figures for Japan's coincident index, saying it increased to 103.5 in July, up from the 101.6 level observed in June. Economists had also been expecting the final figure for the coincident to match the preliminary of 103.3.

The coincident index measures factory and retail sales in the country.

By Megan Ainscow, mainscow@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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The Day Ahead Canada & U.S.: Week Ends with Fed's Evans Speaking

(CEP News) - The week ends on a lighter note with no major data expected to be released on Friday. Markets will hear what Chicago Fed president Charles Evans has to say on the economy.

A lighter economic docket won't mean much for markets as they try to work through the current liquidity problems. George Androulidakis, director of FX at the National Bank of Canada, said any economic fundamentals can be "thrown out the window."

He said he is still expecting to see more volatility in the markets heading into the weekend.

"I think there is such a squeeze on liquidity that markets are testing how far the central banks are willing to go," he said.

Chicago Fed president Charles Evans will speak on the state of the Economy at the Swiss National Bank research conference in Zurich, Switzerland.

The U.S. regional and state employment and unemployment report for August will also be released. In July, the unemployment rate was higher in 43 states.

All times in EDT.

10:00 US Regional and State Employment and Unemployment

11:30 US U.S. Treasury to Sell $30 billion in 45-day Cash Management Bills

13:00 US Fed's Evans Speaks on Economy at Swiss Central Bank Conference

13:00 US U.S. Treasury to Sell $30 billion in 59-day Cash Management Bills.

By Neils Christensen, neilsc@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it , edited by Sarah Sussman, ssussman@economicnews.caThis email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it

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Daily Report

Daily Report: Drastic Turn in Sentiments, Dollar Correction Completed

Market sentiments had a drastic 180 degrees turn after yesterday's coordinated central bank actions and then the US government's plan to consider a blanket bailout for banks. Treasury Paulson and Fed Bernanke met with Congressional leaders and proposed a new entity to be formed to take troubled assets off the balance sheets of American financial institutions. The SEC is also expected to propose a temporary ban on short-selling of some, or all stocks. DOW soared over 410pts in a late really in the US session and posted the biggest gain since 2003. Asian equity markets also open sharply higher and maintain strength throughout the session.

Reactions in the forex market saw dollar generally higher across the board while the yen is pressured. The development so far is inline with the broad outlook in dollar. In particular, the rally in USD/CHF left the fall from 1.1416 in three wave structure which is inline with our view that the dollar's fall was just a correction in a larger up trend. Weakness in EUR/USD and GBP/USD today are supporting this view too. Having said that, we'd expect the greenback to maintain strength today and will likely test recent high against European currencies.

The outlook in yen is still mixed as it's still early to declare that carry trade is back. While the rebounds in USD/JPY and AUD/JPY are impressive, EUR/JPY and GBP/JPY are still held by near term resistance. Traders are advised to avoid these crosses until the picture is cleared.

USD/CHF Daily Outlook

Daily Pivots: (S1) 1.0924; (P) 1.1017; (R1) 1.1134; More

USD/CHF's correction from 1.1416 was contained at 1.0899, slightly above mentioned 1.0882 cluster support (38.2% retracement of 1.0010 to 1.1416 at 1.0879) as expected. Subsequent rebound pushed USD/CHF through 1.1111 minor resistance and then the inner falling channel, indicating that correction from 1.1416 has completed. Further break of 1.1248 resistance will confirm this case and bring retest of 1.1416 high first. Break will indicate recent up trend has resumed for next medium term target of 1.1596. On the downside, while some pull back might be seen, the above view remains unchanged as long as 1.0882 cluster support holds.

In the bigger picture, medium term outlook remains bullish with USD/CHF staying well above 55 weeks EMA and weekly MACD staying positive. The whole rise from 0.9634 is still expected to extend further to test next two cluster resistance, 1.1596 (161.8% projection of 0.9634 to 1.0623 from 1.0010 at 1.1610) and 1.1878 (61.8% retracement of 1.3283 to 0.9634 at 1.1889). On the downside, sustained trading below 1.0632 support will raise the odds that whole medium term rebound from 0.9634 has completed and will put focus back to trend line support at 1.0218.

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